All I can think of to do post-term as I finish up these final projects is being a vegetable.
Vehicles and Props Autonomous Covert Drone
I’m so worn out! last night as I was toiling away into 4am my hand began to cramp something major, and I just couldn’t rest my Wacom stylus on my middle finger to draw anymore.
Color Theory Deep Stone Crypt Color Key
Last spring I literally broke my back from overworking - so as soon as my hand started acting up I started questioning how long I could keep working like I am. I haven’t been taking care of myself - neglecting to work out, let alone limber up and stretch. And I’m supposed to keep drawing for the rest of my life
Stylization 2 Austrian Village Illustration
Snowballing happens regardless of whether you have snow or not. It’s like with each passing day of 2020 I’m left with just enough energy to do little more than my bare minimum. I’m really going to take use of this winter break to freshen up and to start 2021 nice and refreshed!
Painting 3 Sewing-Machine Spaceship Illustration
2020 had more than its fair share of upsets - but my biggest takeaway from the year is how much digital painting I’ve been practicing. It’s always something I struggled with (and still do) but I faced it as one of my largest challenges for the year and I’m content with how much progress I made on that front. I can only push that and my other skills farther and better.
Be sure to check out the newly populated pages in Coursework - it’s still going through some structuring resolutions but you’ll find plenty of new work in there. I hope everyone has taken something from 2020 that they can be grateful for.
Cheers, and warmest holiday wishes to you!